Saturday - March 22nd


Please arrive on time


Opening of the conference
Awards in three categories

Saturday - March 22nd

Učionica 1

10:00 – 11:00

Osnove TRX-a: Kreni pravilno, napreduj sigurno

Na ovom predavanju ćete naučiti pravilnu upotrebu TRX traka kroz osnovne vežbe koje grade stabilnost, snagu i kontrolu pokreta. Naučićete kako da pravilno postavite TRX, izbegnete najčešće greške i postave čvrste temelje za siguran i efikasan napredak u treningu. Idealno za trenere i vežbače koji žele da unaprede tehniku i maksimalno iskoriste potencijal TRX-a u svakodnevnim treninzima.

Violeta Novkov

HFS Akademija

11:15 – 12:15

Rekvizit koji "menja" celu teretanu: Kako TRX transformiše personalne i small group treninge?
Sofija Tasić

Personalni trener

12:45 – 13:45

Unlocking the Power of Hips: Strategies for Reconditioning and Athletic Performance

The hips are essential for athletic movement and injury prevention, yet dysfunctions are common and limit performance. This session offers practical tools for assessing and improving hip mobility, stability, and strength. Participants will learn how to integrate corrective exercises into sports conditioning programs to optimize function and recondition athletes, whether returning to play or enhancing overall performance. With a special focus on bridging gaps between corrective exercise and performance, attendees will leave equipped to address the needs of diverse clients.

Kenneth Miller


15:30 – 16:30

Corrective Conditioning: A Bridge Between Therapy and Athletic Development

For many athletes, the path from injury recovery to peak performance is challenging. This session blends corrective exercise principles with sports performance strategies, offering practical methods to recondition athletes and prepare them for competition. Learn how to design “Smart Warm-Ups” that address movement dysfunctions, activate key muscle groups, and progress athletes safely to high-intensity training. Attendees will gain a deeper understanding of NASM’s OPT model and how it supports both recovery and peak performance.

Ken Miller


16:45 – 17:45

Get a Grip: Mastering Grip Strength for Optimal Performance

Unlock your potential with an engaging and comprehensive review of the most relevant research proving the importance of maintaining and developing grip strength throughout one’s lifespan.  Increased grip strength will not only reduce injuries and improve athletic performance, but also a leading indicator of one’s longevity.  In this hands-on program, you will learn about the anatomy of grip strength, different types of grip training, and their specific applications in various sports and activities of daily living. 

Through a combination of lecture, practical exercises and personalized feedback, you will develop effective techniques to build and maintain grip strength within the NASM OPT Model for any clients you are training. 

Marty Miller

NASM Regional Master Instructor

18:00 – 19:00

Barefoot Training: Unlocking Natural Movement for Optimal Performance

In this dynamic program, you will explore the anatomical and physiological principles of barefoot training, learning how it can improve proprioception, enhance stability, improve mobility and reduce the risk of injury. Through a blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, you will discover effective techniques for integrating barefoot training into your clients’ fitness routines.


Join us in this barefoot training essentials workshop to gain valuable insights that will elevate your training approach and empower your clients to move more naturally. Equip yourself with the tools to promote better movement mechanics, enhance athletic performance, alleviate discomfort and foster a deeper connection between your clients and their bodies. Embrace the power of going barefoot and watch your clients thrive!

Marty Miller

NASM Regional Master Instructor

Učionica 2

10:00 – 11:00

Operativne zone u fitnes klubu: Strateška podela prostora za maksimalne rezultate

Kako da vaš fitnes klub postane efikasniji, profitabilniji i privlačniji za klijente? Strateška podela prostora igra ključnu ulogu u optimizaciji poslovanja. Kroz pametno osmišljene operativne zone – od Booty i Reck dela do prostora za funkcionalni trening, kardio i mobilnost – možete povećati angažovanost članova, poboljšati protok korisnika i maksimizirati iskorišćenost opreme i trenerskih resursa. Na ovoj sesiji ćete saznati kako pravilna organizacija prostora ne samo da poboljšava korisničko iskustvo, već direktno utiče na rast prihoda i lojalnost klijenata.

Jošo Kolak

Direktor kompanije Rekreacija d.o.o

11:15 – 12:15

The Foundation of Fitness: Phase 1 of the NASM OPT Model

Stabilization Endurance Training (Phase 1) needs to be the foundation of all training programs, and this workshop will dive into the foundational principles of the Stabilization Endurance Training to equip you with the knowledge and skills to effectively implement this crucial phase in your clients’ training programs.

In this workshop, you will gain a clear understanding of the NASM OPT Model and its five phases, with a specific focus on the goals and benefits of Phase 1. You will explore the importance of stabilization endurance in building a solid foundation for all future training phases, enhancing overall movement quality. Additionally, you will discover how to create effective training programs that incorporate stabilization exercises, utilizing appropriate modalities and progressions.

Expect hands-on participation and demonstrations of key stabilization exercises and techniques, ensuring you can effectively teach and implement them with your clients while you learn to develop strategies for effectively communicating the importance of stabilization training to clients, fostering engagement and buy-in.

By mastering Phase 1 of the OPT Model, you will not only improve your clients’ foundational strength and stability but also set them up for long-term success in their fitness journeys.

Marty Miller

NASM Regional Master Instructor

12:45 – 13:45

Ekscentrični trening: tajna prevencije povreda i unapređenja sportskih performansi
Marko Stojanović

Profesor na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu, Katedra za osnovne sportske nauke

15:30 – 16:30

Strength training as the engine of our health

In this lecture, you will learn how muscle function maintains the health of all organs.

Homayun Gharavi

Medicine & Exercise Science Department

16:45 – 17:45

"Velocity-Based Training":is it a training method?
Luis Mesquita

Head of Health & Performance for Leça FC

18:00 – 19:00

Online Client Assessments: Best Practices and Tools  
James Breese

Coach, Founder Strength Matters and Cricket Matters

Učionica 3

10:00 – 11:00

Od panike do natprosječnog uspjeha: 5 pravila uspješnog poslovanja u fitness i wellness industriji

“Da li ste ikada osjetili paniku pred izazovima vođenja fitness ili wellness biznisa? Razmišljali ste da se osamostalite, otvorite svoj gym, studio ili box, ali ste odustali u strahu od svega šta vas čeka? Šta ako vam kažem da je ta panika samo prvi korak ka natprosječnom uspjehu? Na predavanju ‘Od panike do natprosječnog uspjeha’ otkriću vam 5 ključnih pravila koja su PFHSC učinila simbolom uspješnog poslovanja. Pričaćemo o važnosti sistema koji čine vaš biznis efikasnijim, kako pravilno raspolagati informacijama da biste donosili bolje odluke, i strategijama koje vode ka povećanju profita uz manje rada. Ako želite saznati kako pretvoriti izazove u prilike, optimizovati poslovanje i ostvariti održiv rast, ovo je predavanje koje ne smijete propustiti!”

Almir Maljević

Suosnivač PFHSC-a

11:15 – 12:15


Sistem ELDOA vežbi nastao je zahvaljujući Gi Vojeru (Guy Voyer DO) doktoru i osteopati, pre više od 30 godina kombinujući različite metode kao što su Niederhoffer, Kabat, Brunnstrom, Bobath, Meziere i Struyf – Denys.

Cilj vežbi je stvaranje prostora između date artikulacije, bilo da se radi o prostoru između dva pršljena (najčešće), prostoru zgloba kuka, zglobovima ramenog pojasa, karlice i sl.

ELDOA vežbama (položajima tela) se stvara tenzija miofascijalnih lanaca oko tačke primarne lezije, centra dekoaptacije. Na taj način se izaziva normalizacija tkiva u ciljanoj regiji, artikulaciji ili zglobu.

Stevan Mesarović

Eldoa trener

Đuriša Petrović

Eldoa trener

12:45 – 13:45

Metabolički i neurohemijski aspekti suplemenata za poboljšanje kvaliteta sna: sinergija ključnih komponenti

Predavanje obuhvata metaboličke i neurohemijske osnove regulacije sna i ulogu suplemenata u poboljšanju kvaliteta sna. Fokus je na ključnim komponentama, poput glicina, L-teanina, taurina, 5-HTP-a, magnezijuma i vitamina B6, i njihovoj sinergiji u modulaciji neurotransmiterskih sistema, naročito GABA, serotonina i melatonina. Objašnjavaju se mehanizmi delovanja, uključujući regulaciju ekscitatornih i inhibitornih signala, termoregulaciju i podršku cirkadijalnom ritmu. Predavanje takođe razmatra potencijalne benefite i ograničenja suplementacije, kao i specifične primene kod osoba sa nesanicom, stresom, neurološkim poremećajima i povećanom ekscitabilnošću nervnog sistema.

Milan Vraneš

Redovni profesor, stručnjak za sportsku suplementaciju sa preko 25 godina iskustva

15:30 – 16:30

Vodena revolucija – put do finala!
Adi Tzanova

Holistic Specialist – Naturopath, Nutritionist, Dietitian, Triathlete

16:45 – 17:45

Veštačka Inteligencija “personalni trener” za top formu marketinga u fitnes biznisu

Milan Ivetić, CEO kompanije iFit, vodi vas kroz interaktivno predavanje koje će promeniti način
na koji razmišljate o marketingu. Zamislite da imate sveobuhvatan marketing plan za celu
godinu, uključujući strategije za društvene mreže i sadržaj, sve kreirano u realnom vremenu u
roku od 30 minuta.
Bilo da ste vlasnik lanca fitnes centara, fitnes studija ili personalni trener, ovo predavanje će
vam pomoći da podignete “marketing formu” vašeg biznisa. Naučićete kako da iskoristite
veštačku inteligenciju (AI) za unapređenje poslovanja i ostanete korak ispred konkurencije. Ne
propustite priliku da saznate kako da od ničega stvorite uspešan marketing plan uz pomoć
najnovijih tehnologija.

Milan Ivetić

CEO & Owner iFit

18:00 – 19:00

Nevidljivi faktor sportskih rezultata: Uloga crijevnog mikrobioma

Vaša crijevna mikroflora je skriveni faktor koji određuje vašu izdržljivost, snagu i brzinu oporavka – ali 90% sportista nije upoznato sa ovom činjenicom! Na ovom predavanju otkrićete kako optimizacija crijevnog mikrobioma može povećati VO2 max, prirodno podići testosteron i ubrzati regeneraciju mišića. Naučićete kako prebiotici, probiotici i specifične strategije ishrane mogu “hakovati” vaše performanse, smanjiti upalu i eliminisati sindrom propusnih crijeva koji sabotira vaš napredak.

Omar Nuhić

Specijalista regenerativne i funkcionalne medicine

Učionica 4

10:00 – 11:00

Koliko je vazna Muscle - Mind konekcija u treningu hipertrofije?
Marko Vukotić

Professor of sports and physical education

11:15 – 12:15

Biohemija u treningu snage

Uvod u biohemiju mišića. Uloga ATP-a u kontrakciji mišića. Energetski sistemi: fosfageni sistem, glikoliza i oksidativna fosforilacija. Šta je važnije u treningu snage? Testosteron, hormon rasta i IGF-1: njihov uticaj na rast mišića. Uloga kortizola u razgradnji i oporavku mišićnih proteina. Prelazak sa anaerobnih (fosfagenski sistem) u aerobne sisteme. Biohemijske promene: gustina mitohondrija, efikasnost enzima i adaptacije mišićnih vlakana (tip vlakana I u odnosu na tip II I IIx). Snaga I njena prava realizacija.

Aleksandar Dejanović

Specijalista za biomehaniku posture i rehabilitaciju kičme

12:45 – 13:45

Kako kvalitetnim sadržajem do pratilaca i prodaje
Vera Stevanović

Marketing edukator, @veraludus

15:30 – 16:30

Uticaj treninga snage kod mladih sportista
Milan Veselinović

Personalni i kondicioni trener

16:45 – 17:45

Razumevanje i treniranje fleksije kuka
Stefan Vasić

NASM, HFS Akademija

18:00 – 19:00

Čučanj i mrtvo dizanje - osnove su uvek iste
Vladimir Bulatović

Personalni trener

19:30 – 23:00

Optima Connecting Party

Sunday - March 23rd

09:00 – 09:45

Group training – Les Mills Pilates

Učionica 1

10:00 – 11:00

Prednosti TRX suspenzionog trenažera u rehabilitaciji

Kako se fitnes i rehabilitacija sve više prepliću, TRX trenažer se pokazao kao moćno oružje u oporavku od povreda i prevenciji novih. Njegova prilagodljivost omogućava rad u različitim položajima, bez velikog opterećenja na zglobove, što ga čini idealnim alatom za sve – od profesionalnih sportista do rekreativaca i pacijenata u procesu oporavka. U ovom predavanju istražićemo kako TRX funkcioniše u rehabilitaciji, kako aktivira duboku muskulaturu i doprinosi boljoj stabilnosti tela, te kako ga pravilno koristiti za smanjenje rizika od povreda.

Slobodan Tiragić

Personalni trener, HFS Akademija

11:15 – 12:15

Najefikasniji rekvizit za pripremu boraca: TRX strategije koje borce pretvaraju u nepobedive protivnike

Marko Tajs će Vam u okviru interaktivnog predavanja pružiti detaljan prikaz i objašnjenje vežbi i koncepata treninga namenjenih profesionalnim borcima u disciplinama kao što su kik-boks i MMA. Predstaviće vam program koji obuhvata funkcionalne vežbe osmišljene za unapređenje specifične izdržljivosti ovih sportova, razvoj eksplozivne snage, kao i vežbe za jačanje “core” mišića, sve sa ciljem poboljšanja performansi sportista.

Program je zasnovan na višegodišnjem iskustvu u radu sa profesionalnim sportistima i uključuje primere treninga i kombinacije vežbi koje su se pokazale kao najefikasnije.

Sportisti sa kojima je radio su:

Nenad Pagonis – višestruki svetski i evropski šampion u kik-boksu.

Jovan Nikolić – istaknuti kik-bokser sa međunarodnim uspesima.

Nikola Todorović – MMA borac sa pobedama na regionalnim turnirima.

Igor Nistor – rumunski kik-bokser poznat po eksplozivnoj snazi.

Saška Krstić – prvakinja Srbije u kik-boksu, evropska medalja.

Teodora Manić – višestruka nacionalna šampionka u kik-boksu.

Aleksandar Milošević – iskusni borac u kik-boksu i boksu.

Igor Jurišić – hrvatski kik-bokser sa međunarodnim uspesima.

Marko Tajs

TRX master trener

12:45 – 13:45

From Deconditioned to Dynamic: Rebuilding the Athlete Within

Deconditioned clients and athletes require specialized approaches to rebuild strength, mobility, and endurance. This session demonstrates how to apply NASM’s OPT Model to guide clients from a deconditioned state to dynamic performance. Whether reconditioning after injury or starting from scratch, attendees will learn to design structured, progressive programs that inspire confidence and foster long-term fitness.

Kenneth Miller


15:30 – 16:30

The NASM CES - CPT- PES Continuum: Advancing Your Fitness Knowledge and Skills.

Elevate your professional expertise with the “NASM Continuum,” a comprehensive course designed for fitness professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM) methodologies. This course provides a structured pathway for enhancing your skills, expanding your knowledge base, and staying current with the latest industry trends.

In this dynamic program, you will explore key concepts of the NASM training model, including the OPT (Optimum Performance Training) model and its application in various fitness settings. Gain insights into advanced training techniques, program design, and client assessment methods that can help you deliver exceptional results for your clients.


Individuals often underestimate their abilities to improve within a proper fitness continuum.  In addition, high-performance driven fitness enthusiasts frequently underestimate the value of corrective exercise or stabilization training, as they will focus primarily on training at the highest levels of intensity possible. This workshop will help the attendee understand the entire NASM educational model from CES to the CPT through the PES and will provide a higher-level understanding of how to train all your clients as the athlete they are. Performance training has grown in popularity tremendously over the last few years within the fitness industry.  However, what is often overlooked is the importance Corrective Exercise plays in unlocking one’s potential to train within a performance program effectively and efficiently.  In this session you will learn how Corrective Exercise establishes the foundation for Performance Enhancement as well as how to create specific Corrective Exercise programs you can implement immediately to design sound training programs for all levels of clientele.

Marty Miller

NASM Regional Master Instructor

16:45 – 17:45

The Performance Rebuilder: Return-to-Play Strategies for Success

Helping athletes transition from injury recovery to competition requires careful planning and execution. This session focuses on NASM’s principles for movement assessment, corrective exercise, and safe program progression. Participants will gain tools to support athletes through every stage of recovery, from regaining functional strength to advanced performance. With a practical focus on European sports culture and competitive demands, this session offers strategies to keep athletes injury-free and performing their best.

Ken Miller


18:00 – 19:00

Strength that matters - bridging the gap from the gym to the field
Luis Mesquita

Head of Health & Performance in Leça FC

Učionica 2

10:00 – 11:00

Cognitive Fitness: Enhancing Mental Performance Through Movement

Unlock the power of the mind with “Cognitive Fitness,” an innovative course designed to explore the vital connection between physical activity and cognitive function. This course is ideal for fitness professionals interested in enhancing mental performance through targeted exercise and lifestyle strategies.  We will delve into the science of cognitive fitness, learning how various forms of movement can positively impact brain health, memory, focus, and overall mental clarity. Discover practical techniques and exercises that promote cognitive development while improving physical fitness within the NASM OPT Model. 


Equip yourself with the knowledge to create comprehensive training programs that foster mental agility alongside physical performance. Enhance your clients’ overall well-being and performance by harnessing the power of movement to boost brain function. Through this training you will learn the relationship between physical activity and cognitive health, the role of exercise in enhancing neuroplasticity and brain function, how to design workouts that stimulate both body and mind and strategies for promoting cognitive fitness in different populations.


Dive into the most recent research as well as how cognitive fitness needs to be a part of everyone’s program regardless of their current age and or physical abilities. In addition, understanding how all your clients can learn to train with the same four physiological pillars (Stamina, Agility, Speed, Power) as elite athletes and how this will increase both their physical fitness level as well as their cognitive fitness levels. Having a strong Cognitive Fitness Program can be one of the centerpieces of your offerings to reach more individuals and improve the overall health and longevity of those you serve daily.

Marty Miller

NASM Regional Master Instructor

11:15 – 12:15

Shoulder Resilience: Corrective Strategies for Pain-Free Performance

Shoulder dysfunction and pain are prevalent among athletes and fitness clients due to poor mechanics and overuse. This session dives into effective assessment and correction strategies for shoulder health. Learn exercises and techniques to enhance mobility, stability, and strength, catering to both recovering athletes and those seeking to improve performance. Attendees will explore how to incorporate these strategies into strength programs for optimal results.

Kenneth Miller


12:45 – 13:45

Izometrijski trening na delu: POVRATAK OTPISANIH vežbi za sport i fitnes – praktične tehnike i primena
Marko Stojanović

Profesor na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu, Katedra za osnovne sportske nauke

15:30 – 16:30

Building a Fitness Empire: The Secrets to Growth, Retention and Profit
Miloš Vuković

Personalni trener i preduzetnik u Dubaiju

16:45 – 17:45

Maximum strength training without weights

A practical exercise to increase the angle of strength and decrease the angle of injury.

Homayun Gharavi

Medicine & Exercise Science Department

18:00 – 19:00

Nova era fitnes studija do 200 m2
Refit Kamberović

Predsednik Nadzornog odbora DSSV - Udruženje poslodavaca fitnes i zravstvenih ustanova

Učionica 3

10:00 – 11:00

Fitnes biznis u Srbiji: Lekcije iz prošlosti, gde smo sada i kakva nam je perspektiva
Kako je fitnes biznis u Srbiji rastao i razvijao se, koje smo greške pravili i šta smo iz toga naučili? Gde se danas nalazimo u poređenju s drugim tržištima i kako možemo oblikovati budućnost industrije? Na ovom predavanju otvorićemo ključna pitanja: šta nas je kočilo, gde su naše prilike za rast i kako da koristimo lekcije iz prošlosti za stvaranje održivog, inovativnog i uspešnog fitnes tržišta u Srbiji. Ovo je prilika da sagledate širu sliku i prepoznate korake koji vode ka napretku.
Milan Zarić

Vlasnik City Fitness, klubova iz Beograda. Autor knjige "FITNESS PREDUZETNIK"

11:15 – 12:15

Upotreba AI-a u fitnessu
Miloš Stevanović

Dizajner, programer i AI edukator

12:45 – 13:45

Sponzorsko predavanje

15:30 – 16:30

Individualizacija treninga: kraći put do boljih rezultata sa klijentima

Da li ste ikada razmišljali o tome zašto neki programi treninga donose vrhunske rezultate, dok drugi ostaju daleko od očekivanja? Zašto sa nekim klijentima imate sjajne rezultate, dok vas drugi klijenti, zbog izostanka rezultata, nerado preporučuju? Tajna je u individualizaciji treninga – ključu koji otključava ne samo bolje rezultate za vaše klijente, već i veći finansijski uspjeh za vaš biznis. Na ovom predavanju saznaćete zašto je adresiranje individualnih potreba klijenta, uzimajući u obzir njegove/njene sposobnosti, vještine i nedostatke, temelj svakog uspješnog programa. Testiranje je prvi i neizbježan korak na tom putu, a predstavićemo vam PFHSC pristup individualizaciji treninga (uključujući i alate koje koristimo), koji nas je učinio prepoznatljivim, traženim i uspješnim u svakom smislu. Ako želite brži i kraći put do boljih rezultata, za vaše klijente i vaš biznis, ne propustite ovo predavanje!

Adnan Maljević

Suosnivač PFHSC-a

16:45 – 17:45

"Kako izgraditi personalni brend?"

Koliko je važno biti dobar trener toliko je danas postalo važno biti dobar u marketingu, brendingu  i prodaji. Jer kako drugačije do klijenata? Na ovom predavanju ćete naučiti kako korak po korak izgraditi online zajednicu i kako sklalirati svoje trenerske usluge.

Nemanja Milović

Progesor sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja

18:00 – 19:00

Sponzorsko predavanje

Učionica 4

10:00 – 11:00

Obrazci pokreta kao osnova za dizajniranje efikasnih treninga

Obrasci pokreta kao osnova za dizajniranje efikasnih treninga

Davor Mumović

Personalni trener

11:15 – 12:15

Trening brzinske snage

Fiziološke osnove brzinske snage. Odnos između sile, brzine i snage. Esencija. Greške u treningu. Tipovi mišićnih vlakana i njihova uloga (Tip IIk i IIa). Dominantnost sistema ATP-PC. Neuromišićna efikasnost i sinhronizacija motorinih jedinica tokom vežbi brzinske snage. Uloga mišićnog ciklusa istezanja-skraćivanja (SSC) u brzinkoj snazi. Gde je tajna ovog treninga? Metode treninga za brzinsku snagu. Šta da u treningu i šta ne. Pliometrijski trening. Pro et contra. Energetika u treningu brzinske snage – oporavak i ponovna sinteza ATP-a. Kad I koliko? Strategije odmora i oporavka za optimalnu biohemijsku efikasnost. Praćenje laktata u krvi, kreatin kinaze i drugih markera umora i oporavka.

Aleksandar Dejanović

Specijalista za biomehaniku posture i rehabilitaciju kičme

12:45 – 13:45

PREHAB - prevencija povreda i poboljsanje sportskih performanci

Prevencija sportskih povreda, prepoznavanje rizika od povreda kroz različite dijagnostičke protokole i poboljšanje sportskih performansi. 

Protokol podrazumeva miofascijalno opuštanje kroz Davis-ov zakon- Mobilizacija zglobova sa akcentom na scapulo torakalnu regiju, hip mobilnost, skočni zglob.

Neuromišićne aktivacije scapulo-torakalna regija, glut regija, core- Integrisani obrazci pokreta kao glavniživljaj pokreta super stiffness. 

Marko Dimitrijević

Diplomirani sportsko medicinski trener

15:30 – 16:30

Povreda i oporavak zadnje lože u sportu
Milan Veselinović

Personalni i kondicioni trener

16:45 – 17:45

Koordinacija na merdevinama i kvadratićima
Marko Ćosić

PhD, Univerzitet u Beogradu, FSFV

18:00 – 19:00

Kako pravilno izvesti Clean and Jerk sa šipkom?

Ova sesija će se fokusirati na detaljno objašnjenje tehnike i koraka neophodnih za uspešno izvođenje ovog pokreta sa pravilnom formom i bezbednošću. Učesnici će imati priliku da direktno vežbaju da bi poboljšali tehniku, snagu i efikasnost u ovom ključnom elementu funkcionalnog fitnes treninga.

Dejan Mihajlović

NASM, HFS Akademija


Milan Milak

Professional fitness consultant

Lorem ipsum


Dr. Türker Bıyıkl

NASM Master Trainer;

Nişantaşı University, Head of Exercise and Sports SciencesDepartment;

Turkish Wrestling Federation, Head of Physical Performance;

AthleticHouse,founding partner/ CEO;AthleticHouse Academy, Master Instructor;

APAD-Asssociation for Athletic Performance Coaches, founder /chairman;

Türker Bıyıklı, has been training athletes to reach peak performance and also educating professionals in exercise and sports coaching. He has more than 20 years of experience in fitness and health industry as a trainer, manager and consultant. In 2006, he completed his PhD studies in the Institute of Health Sciences, with a thesis in Sports Health. He is currently studying to get his second master’s degree; this time in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. He is a senior lecturer since 2013. He has taught and held executive positions in the School of Physical Education and Sports, first in Gelişim University and now in Nişantaşı University. As well as being a NASM Master Trainer, he holds many international qualifications such as UKSCA Accredited Strength and Conditioning Coach; EREPS Member as Advanced Health and Fitness Specialist; NATA Athletic Trainer; AFAA-Group Fitness Instructor and UEFA-A Licensed Soccer Coach. He is certified in general massage and rehabilitation; and as Pilates, win Cycle, Kinesis, Axis of Life, Functional Fitness and Life Kinetik instructor. He has held a number of management positions as sports director, general manager, consultant and executive board member in prominent health clubs in Istanbul. He has executed performance training camps for professional athletes and performed as sports performance consultant and strength and conditioning coach to many teams. Currently he is head of physical performance for the Turkish National Wrestling Team who have returned from the World Championships Belgrade with four gold and 3 bronze medals.

Miša Bačulov

Coach, motivator, athlete.

Over 20 years in professional combat sports. As an amateur athlete, he won medals at the Balkan, European and world championships. He fought professionally for 10 years in the Czech Republic as one of their athletes and for two years in the Netherlands.

Trainer since 2012. Founder of the Ronin-Carnage Striking System, one of the most recognizable fighting styles from this region, and owner of the largest Serbian martial arts franchise, Ronin-Carnage Global. Trained many professional champions, organized 15 international Striking Camps, which are one of the largest in Europe. Also known for his charity organization “Budi Heroj” where he collected large funds for children with disabilities.

Topics: Motivation in sport, Ronin-Carnage Assault Training system

48 predavanja i radionica koje će te oboriti sa nogu! U svetu fitnesa se dešavaju konstantno promene. Saznaj šta je trenutno najnovije. Kroz praktičan rad, na licu mesta isprobaj treninge i vežbe

Prati događaj uživo ili online! Ti biraš da li želiš da dođeš na konferenciju ili ćeš pratiti konferenciju od kuće.
32 predavača i master trenera! Upoznaj se, postavi direktno pitanje, razmeni kontakte!
Pristup predavanjima online nakon konferencije! Kako ne bi propustio ni jednu važna informaciju, tri meseca nakon konferencije ćeš imati mogućnost da pristupaš snimcima predavanja i treninga.
Ceu bodovi i produžetak nacionalne licence! Ukoliko treba da obnoviš NASM sertifikat ili da produžiš nacionalnu licencu, ovo je idealna prilika da prikupiš bodove.

Aleksandar Ivanovski

Founder and CEO of the Belgrade School of Animators BSA

Assistant principal and proffesor at College of sport and Health, Belgrade.

In 2006, he completed his PhD at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade. He is a team leader for over 25 years in various teams of up to 30 people from all over Europe in the territory of Greece, Serbia, Montenegro etc, and also a team leader in organization of children’s festivals and camps where more than 500 children from all cultures and nations take part. For many years, he has been working as a coordinator and organizer of children’s festivals, recreational and communication camps for children and adults, and various competitions. He managed sports clubs, associations for recreational animation and team building, organized classes at the College of Sport and Health, on the subjects of sport and tourism, and tourism-pedagogical practice. He has a large number of published scientific papers and books. He has also been invited at many seminars and lecturing as key note speaker.

Ceu credits and extension of the national license! If you need to renew your NASM certificate or extend
national license, this is an ideal opportunity to collect points.


Ana Petrović

Licensed IDBB operational trainer and manager in sports

Lorem ipsum

48 lectures and workshops that will knock you off your feet! The world of fitness is constantly changing. Find out what’s latest right now. Through practical work, try trainings and exercises on the spot

Follow the event live or online! You choose whether you want to come to the conference or follow the conference from

lecturer and master trainer!
Get to know each other, ask a direct question,
exchange contacts!

Access to lectures online after the conference! In order not to miss any important information, three
month after the conference, you will be able to access recordings of lectures and trainings.

Predrag Marjanović

Predrag Marjanović

THERAGUN master trener i THERABODY edukator


Milan Zarić

Owner of City Fitness clubs from Belgrade.
Author of the book “FITNESS ENTREPRENEUR”

Milan graduated from the academic studies of the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education of the University of Belgrade, where he earned the title of professor of sports. He continued his postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in Novi Sad, earning the title of Master of Sports and Physical Education. Expert contributor to the magazines Lepota & Zdravlje, Mens Health, as well as the internet portal B92 for texts in the field of fitness. According to the decision of the Association for Recreation and Fitness of Serbia, he was declared the best fitness trainer in Serbia for 2014.


Bojana Paljić

Founder of the recreation club, personal trainer and group fitness instructor.

She is the founder of the recreation club “Mia Fit”, which is located in two locations in Belgrade. She graduated from the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in 2004. For 23 years, she has been working as a personal trainer, fitness instructor and instructor of various group fitness programs such as: Tag, Pilates, Fit-box, Step, Workout, Hi-low, Tae-bo. She is the author of many articles in the fields of fitness, healthy eating, recreation and healthy living.

As an educator and presenter through various shows, she contributed to the popularization of fitness and a healthy lifestyle. She participated in numerous fitness conferences and seminars, and is the holder of a large number of certificates: workout – preventive-corrective program, functional training with choreography in aerobics and step aerobics, hi-low choreography, stretching and proprioception exercises, technique and methodology of tae-bo aerobics, proprio- plio workout and functional body workout. By developing the fitness industry, supporting a healthy lifestyle, pointing out the advantages and benefits of regular physical activity, she is one of the leading and well-known faces of fitness in our region and beyond.

Dušan Mitić

Professor. Dusan Mitic, PhD, Born in 1956.
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education University of Belgrade, Department for Recreation

President of Election Council of Social Sciences in University of Belgrade

In addition to the parent, he works as a Faculty lecturer for recreational, fitness, animation and sports tourism on several domestic and foreign universities.

Particularly interested in modeling incitement to physical activity, motivation, and promotion of physical activity and healty life style. Together with the students working on generating and testing new models to encourage and monitor the effects of physical activity.

Developer of
o Aerobic Happening 2003-2021

Co-Developer of BSA-Belgrade School for Animation in Tourism

Vice-president Sport for All Serbia

Member TAFISA Europe Steering Committee

President Association of Expert of Recreation of Belgrade

Member of Team for Developing Strategy of Sport in Serbia

Topics: Developing sense of belonging to a fitness club