Teme označene plavom bojom su namenjene za unapređenje fitnes biznisa (za menadžere, vlasnike fitnes klubova i trenere koji žele da se razvijaju u preduzetničkom smeru).
Subota - 23. mart
Molimo vas da dođete na vreme
Otvaranje konferencije
Dodela nagrada u tri kategorije
Subota- 23. mart
Room 1
Donji Dorćol
10:00 – 11:00
This workshop is ideal for beginners and those new to TRX Suspension Training. Participants will learn the basic exercises, correct form, and safety considerations for using TRX straps effectively. It’s a great starting point for anyone looking to incorporate TRX into their fitness routine.
Marko Tajs
TRX master trener
11:15 – 12:15
Darren Dillon
TRX International educator
Slobodan Tiragić
MSC, personalni trener, HFS Akademija
12:45 – 13:45
In addition to sport specific skills the athlete needs to have power, strength and stability. What can the strength and performance coach do to ensure that the athlete has all they need to perform at their best? This session explores how to integrate the traditional training components of strength and conditioning with often missed adaptations needed for a powerful, healthy and durable athlete.
Kenneth Miller
15:30 – 16:30
80-85% of the population has had or is currently experiencing low back discomfort and pain. However when it comes to the low back, things may not actually be what they seem. This workshop will dive into what it takes to identify where stress can come from and learn how to manage stress build-up in the low back region.
Ken Miller
16:45 – 17:45
Many trainers and exercise enthusiasts will separate the goals of stability and strength when it comes to their workouts. What if there was a style of training that can combine both benefits of stability and strength within one workout? What if there was a phase of training that bridges the gap between stability and strength? If you’re looking for such a style of workout this workshop on Strength Endurance is for you where we will explore this format of workout that will give you the best of both worlds.
Rick Richey
NASM Regional Master Instructor
18:00 – 19:00
Plyometrics or “Reactive Training” are often considered exercises for athletes or high level exercisers. If we go by the quote,”If you have a body, you’re an athlete”, then you qualify for this modality of exercise. However it isn’t something to be entered into lightly as it is with all things, proper progressions are needed to ensure safety and success. This workshop will show from beginning to end how to transform the new client to a seasoned athlete.
Ken Miller
Room 2
Shonda 4
10:00 – 11:00
NASM has a comprehensive flexibility continuum that addresses corrective, active, and functional outcomes. Each of these categories of flexibility have their own techniques applied to see specific results. Be ready to experience the progression from beginning to end and everything in between when it comes to flexibility.
Rick Richey
NASM Regional Master Instructor
11:15 – 12:15
Matteo Pozzati
12:45 – 13:45
Matteo Pozzati
15:30 – 16:30
Are you a gym owner or manager looking for new ways to increase revenue?
In this session we will discuss how to achieve it by implementing proven tactics from other industries.
An example of what to expect: identify your “whales” customers and optimize their spendings in your gym.
Corentin Bernard
CEO of Accolade Pro, European Innovation Prize winner in 2022.
16:45 – 17:45
Unlock the Secrets to a Thriving Personal Training Business with – ‘How to Get More Personal Training Clients’. In this dynamic session, with James Breese from Strength Matters, dive into the art of expanding your client base and boosting your personal training career.
Learn innovative strategies and proven methods to attract and retain clients, understand the psychology of your target market, and leverage the latest marketing trends in fitness. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, this talk offers invaluable insights into creating a compelling client experience, effective marketing techniques, and building a strong, loyal clientele. Don’t miss the chance to transform your personal training business into a thriving success story!
James Breese
Coach, Founder Strength Matters and Cricket Matters
18:00 – 19:00
Maximize Your Gym’s Potential with ‘How Do I Get More Gym Members?’. Join us for a powerful session led by fitness marketing expert James Breese from Strength Matters. This seminar is specially designed to guide gym owners and managers in significantly increasing their membership base.
Learn cutting-edge tactics and reliable approaches for attracting a steady stream of new members while ensuring the satisfaction and retention of existing ones. Explore the psychology of your prospective gym members, harness the most effective marketing trends in fitness, and understand how to create a gym atmosphere that resonates with your ideal clientele.
Whether you’re a new gym or well-established, this session will equip you with the tools and knowledge to grow your gym into a vibrant, bustling business. Transform your gym into a go-to fitness destination and watch your business flourish!
James Breese
Coach, Founder Strength Matters and Cricket Matters
Room 3
Shonda 1
10:00 – 11:00
Saznajte kako kvalitetna fitnes oprema može transformisati iskustvo članova, povećati zadovoljstvo i na kraju, doprineti uspešnosti i reputaciji fitnes kluba.
Ovo predavanje će pružiti vlasnicima i menadžerima klubova praktične smernice za usklađivanje sa trendovima i optimalno iskorištavanje kvalitetne opreme, kao ključ za dugoročan uspeh.
11:15 – 12:15
Otkrijte kako uvođenje Pilates reformera u vaš fitnes klub može doneti inovaciju u vežbanju. Poboljšajte ponudu, privucite novu klijentelu i unapredite ukupno iskustvo članova.
12:45 – 13:45
Milan Đukelić
Head fo Network
15:30 – 16:30
Edin Mehmedović
Diplomirani kineziolog
16:45 – 17:45
Milan Ivetić
CEO & Owner iFit
18:00 – 19:00
Aleksandar Dejanović
Dr feedback
Room 4
Shonda 2
10:00 – 11:00
Vladimir Bulatović
11:15 – 12:15
Sta je insulinska rezistencija i metabolicki sindom?
Mitohondrija, energetska elektrana i njena disfunkcija.
Pronalazenje veze uzrok i posledica insulinske rezistencije i triger okidaci koji dovode do dijabetes melitusa tipa 2.
Da li samo gojazni imaju IR?
Simptomi IR, kada koristiti terapiju i saradnja lekara sportske medicine, endokrinologa i sportsko medicinskog trenera- timski rad.
Exercise is medicine i FITT principi za IR.
Marko Dimitrijević
Član bodybuilding nacionalnog tima
12:45 – 13:45
15:30 – 16:30
Koliko je bitno građenje ličnog brendinga u fitnes industriji.
Na koji način se povezujemo sa klijentima i gradimo dugoročne odnose. Kolika je prisutnost na društvenim mrežama i u medijima, a koliko je bitna edukacija i sertifikacija u građenju i jačanju brenda i građenju autoriteta u fitnes industriji.
Maja Dimitrijević
Personalni trener
16:45 – 17:45
Mišićni rast mora pratiti određeni životni stil koji podrazumijeva redovan trening mišićne hipertrofije. Uz adekvatnu ISHRANU, spavanje i suplementaciju stvaraju se uslovi koji će pokrenuti mehanizam mišićnog rasta.
“ISHRANA ZA POVEĆANJE MIŠIĆNE MASE” je tema koju ću detaljno obraditi na “OPTIMA” fitnes konferenciji u martu mjesecu sa ciljem da vam što detaljnije približim mehanizam mišićnog rasta.
Obradiću neke osnove kao što su:
- Kalorije i njihova funkcija
- Određivanje kalorijskog unosa kod faze mišićnog rasta
- Tajming mikro i makronutijenata
- Proteini
- Suplementacija
- I jos puno toga
Marko Vukotić
Professor of sports and physical education
18:00 – 19:00
Aerobna dinamična radionica sa PENALTY BOX-om na kojoj ćemo demonstrirati jedan trening i pokazati koje su to najbolje aerobne vežbe za zagrevanje, zatim razne vežbe snage i oblikovanja za najkritičnije tačke ženskog tela (noge, stomak, zadnjica) kao i vežbe istezanja na kraju treninga.
- Naučićete koje sve metode možete primeniti u treningu kako biste izbegli monotoniju treninga.
- Kako i na koje različite načine možete primeniti izvođenje vežbi.
- Čime možete podstaći klijente da budu redovni i šta je to kako biste uspeli da ih zadržite za celi život.
Napravite svoj brend i budite autentični.
Bojana Paljić
Personalni trener i grupni fitnes instruktor
19:30 – 23:00
Optima Connecting Dinner
Nedelja- 24. mart
Room 1
Donji Dorćol
09:00 – 10:00
This workshop will delve deep into using TRX for core strength and stability. Participants will learn a variety of exercises and techniques to target the core muscles, helping to build a strong and stable core that enhances overall fitness and performance.
Darren Dillon
TRX International educator
10:15 – 11:15
High-intensity interval training is popular for efficient workouts. In this workshop, participants will learn how to use TRX for HIIT workouts that deliver a maximum workout in a short amount of time, focusing on cardio, strength, and calorie burn.
Slobodan Tiragić
MSC, personalni trener, HFS Akademija
11:45 – 12:45
Whether you’re an athlete or an octogenarian – balance training is an incredibly important addition to training protocols. Its ability to help increase foot/ankle and hip stability and strength, as well as its applications to sport and life, makes it a valuable addition to every workout. However, it is often overlooked in application, perhaps because it isn’t considered challenging enough … until NOW!
This workshop will discuss the benefits of balance training and provide a surprisingly challenging workout to experience (and take back to your clients). You will practice dozens of balance exercises for stability, strength, and power and learn different ways to add them to your programming. Add incredible value to your training toolbox for a wide variety of clients with a challenging take on some simple balance exercises.
Rick Richey
NASM Regional Master Instructor
14:30 – 15:30
The fitness and performance industry has seen a vast increase in information and application of “Recovery Strategies”. This workshop will explore the balance of “taking stress out” of the body through recovery to complement well as “putting stress in” though training.
Kenneth Miller
15:45 – 16:45
Using a foam roller or any self Myofascial technique tool properly can be an elusive task for anyone. This workshop explains and practically applies techniques that help maximize mobility and performance. After this workshop be prepared to move freely about the gym!
Kenneth Miller
17:00 – 18:00
This workshop provides numerous series of exercise CLUSTERS designed to optimize and challenge clients during movement preparation and exercise implementation. These CLUSTERS allow for smart programming and seamless transitions from one group of exercises to another making programming easy.
Rick Richey
NASM Regional Master Instructor
Room 2
Shonda 4
09:00 – 10:00
Find the path to personal and business success through this innovative – experiential masterclass with the Ereps Ambassador George Xiros.
The “Polar Opposites” theory of how you take decisions, how to upgrade your mindset’s level.
George Xiros
Official Ambassador of the EEREPS
10:15 – 11:15
Sitting is not quite the new smoking, but sedentary lifestyles and smoking have a lot in common when it comes to morbidity and early mortality. In fact, research shows that being sedentary throughout the day is so bad for you that even a daily hour-long workout won’t save you from many chronic diseases if you are sedentary for the other 23 hours in the day! In this session we will review the research of being sedentary and how lifestyle changes beyond – and sometimes instead of – an hour in the gym can help save our clients, family, and loved ones from pathologies that are rooted in being rooted to our chairs.
Rick Richey
NASM Regional Master Instructor
11:45 – 12:45
As it is known, one of the most commonly used and injured joint is the shoulder joint. We aim to share the key points that will break the cycle of injury and increase the productivity of individuals with an integrated preventive approach, as a result of the necessary evaluations with fitness professionals.
Türker Bıyıkl
NASM MAster Trainer
14:30 – 15:30
Sa preciznom evaluacijom četrdeset mišićnih grupa, ovaj uređaj ne samo što pruža uvid u testiranje mišićne snage već i otvara vrata za unapređenje mobilnosti kroz testiranje obima pokreta.
Uređaj koji će omogućiti trenerima da efikasno integrišu korektivne strategije u svoje treninge. Saznajte kako unaprediti posturu, snagu i pokretljivost kod vaših klijenata.
15:45 – 16:45
Matteo Pozzati
17:00 – 18:00
Corrective exercise is necessary for both keeping an athlete’s structural integrity and
returning from injury. When it comes to throwers, racquet sports and other “rotational” athletes, range
of motion, stability and coordination need to be combined in their training program. This workshop
will discuss the steps and progressions for rotational athletes to navigate the twists and turns of
Equipment: Foam Roller, Mini-Bands, Resistance Bands with Handles
Matteo Pozzati
Room 3
Shonda 1
09:00 – 10:00
10:15 – 11:15
Naučićete korak po korak kako da kreirate reklamu i sistem prodaje da bi na pravilan i merljiv način dolazili do novih klijenata. Ovakvi sistemi daju stabilnost biznisu, lako se dolazi do klijenata i lako može da se projektuje rast koji mi kontrolišemo. Nakon predavanja moći ćete da implementirate odmah ovaj sistem kod vas koji će vam doneti veću prodaju.
Vladimir Jakovljević
CEO LevUp Digital Solutions
11:45 – 12:45
Na ovom predavanju naučićete:
1. O košarci i različitim vrstama pripreme.
2. Definicije glavnih pojmova – snaga, RFD, maksimalna, eksplozivna i brzinska snaga, odnos sila-brzina…
3. Metodologiju snage i eksplozivne snage – po fazama makrociklusa.
4. Integralni prikaz ciljeva pripreme sportista u košarci.
Marko Ćosić
PhD, Univerzitet u Beogradu, FSFV
14:30 – 15:30
Aleksandar Dejanović
Dr feedback
15:45 – 16:45
Ispričaću Vam priču o svom životu i izazovima s kojima sam se nalazio i kako sam ih rešio pomoću čelične discipline.
Motivacija je kratkortajni talas koji ne možemo uvek savladati, ali zato je disciplina ključ kojim otvaramo vrata uspeha.
Stjepan Ursa
Fitnes influenser, magistar odnosa sa javnosti, bodybuilding trener
17:00 – 18:00
Na ovom predavanju ćemo pričati o raznim alatima pomoću kojih mi možemo da usporimo starenje i smanjimo biološku starost. Takođe, pričaćemo i o stvarima kje radimo u svakodnevom životu a koje utiču na starenje. Saznaćemo dokle je nauka došla u ovoj oblasti.
Nemanja Milović
Profesor sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja
Room 4
Shonda 2
09:00 – 10:00
Nalaziš se na poslovnoj raskrsnici, razmišljaš u kom pravcu da ideš. Imaš želju da otvoriš svoj fitnes klub ali nemaš dovoljno znanja, informacija i samopouzdanja da napraviš taj korak. Dodji na Optimu i moje predavanje u kome ću ti preneti svoje znanje i iskustvo iz fitnes biznisa poslednjih 16 godina. Do sada sam otvorio 8 fitnes klubova, verujem da sam u svim tim poslovima naučio nešto što je tebi u ovom momentu potrebno da kreneš.
Milan Zarić
Vlasnik Citi Fitness, klubova iz Beograda. Autor knjige "FITNESS PREDUZETNIK""
10:15 – 11:15
Stefan Vasić
NASM, HFS Akademija
Milena Ilić
NASM PT, HFS Akademija
11:45 – 12:45
Veljko Marković
14:30 – 15:30
Otkrijte ključne strategije za uvođenje wellness prostora u vaš fitnes klub. Sa novim trendovima koji donose blagodeti za članstvo, saznajte kako unaprediti korisničko iskustvo i istovremeno povećati profitabilnost kluba.
15:45 – 16:45
Miloš Kojić
Asistent na Fakultetu sporta i fizičkog vaspitanja, univerziteta u Novom Sad
Dejan Mihajlović
NASM, HFS Akademija
17:00 – 18:00
Milan Veselinović
Personalni i kondicioni trener