OPTIMA Europe Fitnes Konferencija
2 dana | 350 učesnika | live stream
- 23. i 24. marta
- Beograd, Srbija
U svetu fitnesa se konstantno dešavaju promene. Saznajte najnovije fitnes trendove i smernice nauke. Kroz praktičan rad, na licu mesta isprobajte vežbe.
Pratite događaj uživo ili online! Vi birate da li želite da dođete lično na konferenciju ili ćete pratiti konferenciju od kuće preko naše digitalne platforme.
Profesionalni treneri i stručnjaci iz različitih krajeva sveta će podeliti sa vama najnovije smernice nauke i trendove iz oblasti fitnesa, nutricionizma i zdravlja.
Ukoliko treba da obnovite NASM ili AFAA sertifikat ili da produžite nacionalnu licencu, ovo je idealna prilika jer prisustvom na konferenciji ostvarujete čak 1.9 CEU boda.
Dobrodošli na fitnes konferenciju Optima Europe. Pored nove tehnologije i novih trendova koje svi treba da pratimo, ne smemo zanemariti važnost ličnog kontakta, komunikacije i razmene iskustva.
Ovo je drugi put da se Optima održava u ovom delu Evrope. Cilj konferencije je širenje svesti o važnosti fizičkog vežbanja, povezivanje sa stručnjacima iz celog sveta, praćenje trendova u oblasti fitnesa, sporta, nutricionizma i marketinga. Naša je dužnost da vam pružimo najbolje obrazovanje i alate koji će vam omogućiti dalji lični razvoj i uspeh. Jer svetu su zaista potrebne promene kojima baš vi možete da doprinesete! Predavanja i radionice prate najnovija istraživanja u oblasti fitnesa. Predavači su univerzitetski profesori, master treneri, nutricionisti, marketing stručnjaci… Osim predavača iz regiona, dolaze nam i predavači iz Amerike, Engleske, Irske, Turske, Italije i Grčke. Njihova stručnost i iskustvo pružiće vam jedinstvenu priliku da unapredite svoje znanje i da se povežete sa najboljim stručnjacima iz različitih krajeva sveta.
Događaj traje 2 dana i uključuje 48 radionica. Raspored će biti organizovan tako da se istovremeno održavaju 4 radionice. Možete odabrati na kojoj od te 4 radionice želite prisustvovati. S tim da će sva predavanja biti snimljena i postavljena na našu digitalnu platformu, što znači da ćete čak i one radionice ili predavanja na kojima niste prisustvovali uživo moći pratiti online nakon konferencije. Takođe, imaćete pristup predavanjima dodatna 3 meseca.
Vidimo se na OPTIMA EUROPE međunarodnoj fitnes konferenciji.
Optima međunarodna fitnes konferencija je događaj koji okuplja sve stručnjake iz oblasti fitnesa na jednom mestu. Ovo je prilika da stupite u interakciju sa vodećim liderima u svojoj oblasti poslovanja. Imaćete priliku da čujete i upoznate predavače koji dolaze iz Amerike, Engleske, Irske, Turske, Italije i Grčke.
Očekuje vas 48 fenomenalnih radionica na kojima ćete dobiti savete i praktična rešenja za ishranu i programiranje treninga kako u fitnesu, tako i u profesionalnom sportu, smernice za marketing, prodajne taktike i alate, kao i unapređenje poslovanja kroz biznis radionice.
Na jednom mestu ćemo se okupiti kako bismo razmenili ideje, proširili svoje vidike i vratili se kući puni novih saznanja i pozitivne energije.
Ova konferencija nije za one koji misle da sve znaju, niti za one koji na nju gledaju kao na trošak, a ne kao na investiciju.
Ova konferencija je za sve one koji redovno ulažu u sebe i svoje znanje, i svesni su da će im se investicija višestruko isplatiti.
Ne propustite priliku ranih prijava i plaćanja na rate
Optima fitnes konferencija je najveći fitnes događaj i dobitnik je međunarodne poslovne nagrade Gold Stevie 2021 za najbolju obrazovnu konferenciju u Americi.
U protekloj godini Optima konferenciju je pratilo više od 10.000 fitnes profesionalaca.
Optimu vam donose Nacionalna Akademija za Sportsku Medicinu (NASM) i HFS Akademija, koje predstavljaju zlatni standard u sertifikaciji personalnih trenera. 2024. godine će se po drugi put održati u Evropi.
Pripremite se za vodeće predavače u fitnes industriji, najnovije i najaktuelnije teme – posebno pripremljene za poboljšanje budućnosti fitnes industrije.
Nacionalna Akademija za Sportsku Medicinu (NASM) je najpoznatija organizacija u Sjedinjenim Državama, i širom sveta, u oblasti fitnes edukacija sa više od 35 godina iskustva i liderstva u fitnes industriji.
Ako odlučite da boravite u hotelu Mona Plaza tokom trajanja konferencije, potrebno je da prilikom rezervacije navedete da ste učesnik Optime kako biste ostvarili popust na rezervaciju.
Mail za rezervaciju: reservations@monaplaza.com
Become our sponsor and support our vision.
Optima fitnes konferencija je događaj koji spaja sve fitnes stručnjake na jednom mestu. Održava se svake godine u Americi i dobitnik je međunarodne poslovne nagrade Gold Stevie 2021 za najbolju obrazovnu konferenciju. 23. i 24. marta 2024. godine će se održati po drugi put u Evropi, u organizaciji HFS Akademije.
Konferencija će se održati 23. i 24. marta 2024. godine, u hotelu Mona Plaza, u Beogradu.
Događaj se organizuje već 9 godina za redom. U protekloj godini je događaj pratilo preko 10.000 učesnika. U martu će se održazi po drugi put u Evropi.
Događaju će prisustvovati: personalni treneri, specijalisti korektivnog vežbanja, sertifikovani savetnici u ishrani, kondicioni treneri, treneri grupnog fitnesa, master instruktori, sportisti, menadžeri fitnes klubova, organizacije koje se bave suplementacijom, zaljubljenici u fitnes…
Potrebno je da učesnici imaju preko 18 godina kako bi prisustvovali konferenciji.
Cena Early Bird karte za prisustvo uživo na konferenciji iznosi 229 evra.
Cena nakon Early Bird ponude za prisustvo uživo iznosi 279 evra.
Cena karte za online praćenje konferencije iznosi 99 evra. Redovna cena online karte je 159 evra.
Postoji mogućnost plaćanja na dve rate.
Cena karte uživo uključuje: događaj u trajanju od 2 dana, ručak za dva dana, osveženje tokom trajanja konferencije (voda i kafa), kartu za žurku, 1,9 CEU bodova, tri meseca pristup predavanjima nakon konferencije.
Cena online karte uključuje: online live pristup predavanjima i radionicama, tri meseca pristup predavanjima nakon konferencije, bodove za produženje nacionalne licence.
Konferenciju možete platiti direkno putem sajta svojom Visa i Master Card karticom, putem Pay Pal-a (office@hfs.rs), ili uplatnicom ili nalogom za prenos na dve rate.
Predavači su univerzitetski profesori, master treneri, nutricionisti, marketinški stručnjaci…
Na našoj stranici: HFS Conference možete pročitati više o predavačima kao i o temama koje vas očekuju na konferenciji.
Za sva pitanja vezana za registraciju pišite nam na mejl: office@hfs.rs
Smeštaj birate sami. Možete se smestiti u hotelu u kome se odvija događaj, Mona Plaza , ili neki drugi smeštaj po vašem izboru.
Ukoliko se odlučiš da boraviš u ovom hotelu, prilikom rezervacije naglasi da si učesnik Optima konferencije i ostvarićeš popust. Kontakt za rezervaciju: reservations@monaplaza.com
Professional fitness consultant
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NASM Master Trainer;
Nişantaşı University, Head of Exercise and Sports SciencesDepartment;
Turkish Wrestling Federation, Head of Physical Performance;
AthleticHouse,founding partner/ CEO;AthleticHouse Academy, Master Instructor;
APAD-Asssociation for Athletic Performance Coaches, founder /chairman;
Türker Bıyıklı, has been training athletes to reach peak performance and also educating professionals in exercise and sports coaching. He has more than 20 years of experience in fitness and health industry as a trainer, manager and consultant. In 2006, he completed his PhD studies in the Institute of Health Sciences, with a thesis in Sports Health. He is currently studying to get his second master’s degree; this time in Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation. He is a senior lecturer since 2013. He has taught and held executive positions in the School of Physical Education and Sports, first in Gelişim University and now in Nişantaşı University. As well as being a NASM Master Trainer, he holds many international qualifications such as UKSCA Accredited Strength and Conditioning Coach; EREPS Member as Advanced Health and Fitness Specialist; NATA Athletic Trainer; AFAA-Group Fitness Instructor and UEFA-A Licensed Soccer Coach. He is certified in general massage and rehabilitation; and as Pilates, win Cycle, Kinesis, Axis of Life, Functional Fitness and Life Kinetik instructor. He has held a number of management positions as sports director, general manager, consultant and executive board member in prominent health clubs in Istanbul. He has executed performance training camps for professional athletes and performed as sports performance consultant and strength and conditioning coach to many teams. Currently he is head of physical performance for the Turkish National Wrestling Team who have returned from the World Championships Belgrade with four gold and 3 bronze medals.
Coach, motivator, athlete.
Over 20 years in professional combat sports. As an amateur athlete, he won medals at the Balkan, European and world championships. He fought professionally for 10 years in the Czech Republic as one of their athletes and for two years in the Netherlands.
Trainer since 2012. Founder of the Ronin-Carnage Striking System, one of the most recognizable fighting styles from this region, and owner of the largest Serbian martial arts franchise, Ronin-Carnage Global. Trained many professional champions, organized 15 international Striking Camps, which are one of the largest in Europe. Also known for his charity organization “Budi Heroj” where he collected large funds for children with disabilities.
Topics: Motivation in sport, Ronin-Carnage Assault Training system
48 predavanja i radionica koje će te oboriti sa nogu! U svetu fitnesa se dešavaju konstantno promene. Saznaj šta je trenutno najnovije. Kroz praktičan rad, na licu mesta isprobaj treninge i vežbe
Founder and CEO of the Belgrade School of Animators BSA
Assistant principal and proffesor at College of sport and Health, Belgrade.
In 2006, he completed his PhD at the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Belgrade. He is a team leader for over 25 years in various teams of up to 30 people from all over Europe in the territory of Greece, Serbia, Montenegro etc, and also a team leader in organization of children’s festivals and camps where more than 500 children from all cultures and nations take part. For many years, he has been working as a coordinator and organizer of children’s festivals, recreational and communication camps for children and adults, and various competitions. He managed sports clubs, associations for recreational animation and team building, organized classes at the College of Sport and Health, on the subjects of sport and tourism, and tourism-pedagogical practice. He has a large number of published scientific papers and books. He has also been invited at many seminars and lecturing as key note speaker.
Ceu credits and extension of the national license! If you need to renew your NASM certificate or extend
national license, this is an ideal opportunity to collect points.
Licensed IDBB operational trainer and manager in sports
Lorem ipsum
48 lectures and workshops that will knock you off your feet! The world of fitness is constantly changing. Find out what’s latest right now. Through practical work, try trainings and exercises on the spot
Follow the event live or online! You choose whether you want to come to the conference or follow the conference from
lecturer and master trainer! Get to know each other, ask a direct question,
exchange contacts!
Access to lectures online after the conference! In order not to miss any important information, three
month after the conference, you will be able to access recordings of lectures and trainings.
THERAGUN master trener i THERABODY edukator
Owner of City Fitness clubs from Belgrade.
Author of the book “FITNESS ENTREPRENEUR”
Milan graduated from the academic studies of the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education of the University of Belgrade, where he earned the title of professor of sports. He continued his postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in Novi Sad, earning the title of Master of Sports and Physical Education. Expert contributor to the magazines Lepota & Zdravlje, Mens Health, as well as the internet portal B92 for texts in the field of fitness. According to the decision of the Association for Recreation and Fitness of Serbia, he was declared the best fitness trainer in Serbia for 2014.
Founder of the recreation club, personal trainer and group fitness instructor.
She is the founder of the recreation club “Mia Fit”, which is located in two locations in Belgrade. She graduated from the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in 2004. For 23 years, she has been working as a personal trainer, fitness instructor and instructor of various group fitness programs such as: Tag, Pilates, Fit-box, Step, Workout, Hi-low, Tae-bo. She is the author of many articles in the fields of fitness, healthy eating, recreation and healthy living.
As an educator and presenter through various shows, she contributed to the popularization of fitness and a healthy lifestyle. She participated in numerous fitness conferences and seminars, and is the holder of a large number of certificates: workout – preventive-corrective program, functional training with choreography in aerobics and step aerobics, hi-low choreography, stretching and proprioception exercises, technique and methodology of tae-bo aerobics, proprio- plio workout and functional body workout. By developing the fitness industry, supporting a healthy lifestyle, pointing out the advantages and benefits of regular physical activity, she is one of the leading and well-known faces of fitness in our region and beyond.
Professor. Dusan Mitic, PhD, Born in 1956.
Faculty of Sport and Physical Education University of Belgrade, Department for Recreation
President of Election Council of Social Sciences in University of Belgrade
In addition to the parent, he works as a Faculty lecturer for recreational, fitness, animation and sports tourism on several domestic and foreign universities.
Particularly interested in modeling incitement to physical activity, motivation, and promotion of physical activity and healty life style. Together with the students working on generating and testing new models to encourage and monitor the effects of physical activity.
Developer of
o Aerobic Happening 2003-2021
Co-Developer of BSA-Belgrade School for Animation in Tourism
Vice-president Sport for All Serbia
Member TAFISA Europe Steering Committee
President Association of Expert of Recreation of Belgrade
Member of Team for Developing Strategy of Sport in Serbia
Topics: Developing sense of belonging to a fitness club